Dec. 24, 2002

The exhibition "Masterpieces from dem Kunsthistorischen Museum, Vienne" ended.
The exhibition "Masterpieces from dem Kunsthistorischen Museum, Vienne" ended on December 23.
There were about 155,930 visitors during the exhibition term.
The resume of the exhibition "Masterpieces from dem Kunsthistorischen Museum, Vienne"
-> Top of News of Academic Year 2002

Nov. 28, 2002

The exhibition "Tankin (Metal Hammering) - The World of Hirotoshi Ito" ended.
The exhibition "Tankin (Metal Hammering) - The World of Hirotoshi Ito" ended on November 24.
There were about 4300 visitors during the exhibition term.
The resume of The exhibition "Tankin(Metal Hammering)- The World of Hirotoshi Ito"
-> Top of News of Academic Year 2002

Nov. 07, 2002

The exhibition "Tankin (Metal Hammering) - The World of Hirotoshi Ito" started.
The exhibition "Tankin (Metal Hammering) - The World of Hirotoshi Ito" started
in Chinnretsukan Gallery on November 7.
The resume of The exhibition "Tankin(Metal Hammering)- The World of Hirotoshi Ito"
-> Top of News of Academic Year 2002

Oct. 22, 2002

The exhibition "TABI-TAN"- beyond the documentary -" ended.
The exhibition "TABI-TAN"- beyond the documentary - " ended on October 20.
There were about 1700 visitors during the term.
The Home Page of The exhibition "Tabi-Tan"
-> Top of News of Academic Year 2002

Oct. 13, 2002

The project "Only white deep white - projection for art-Link" ended.
The project "Only white deep white - projection for art-Link" ended
with the last presentation at the Kan'ei-ji Temple
on October 12.
There were about 1500 audiences during the whole term of the project.
The reports on those presentations are available under the following Home Page.
The Home Page of the project "Only white deep white - projection for art-Link"
-> Top of News of Academic Year 2002

Oct. 07, 2002

The project "Only white deep white - projection for art-Link" will be carried out on October 11. and 12.
at Kan'ei-ji Temple.
The first presentation has been done on September 27.-29.
at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music.
The second has been done on October 4. and 5. at the entrance hall of main building
(important cultural properties), Tokyo National Museum.
The reports on those presentations are available under the following Home Page.
The Home Page of the project "Only white deep white - projection for art-Link"
-> Top of News of Academic Year 2002

Oct. 05, 2002

The exhibition "Masterpieces from dem Kunsthistorischen Museum, Vienne" started.
The exhibition ""Masterpieces from dem Kunsthistorischen Museum, Vienne" started on October 5.
The detailed information about thex exhibtion is available in the following Home Page.
The resume of the exhibition "Masterpieces from dem Kunsthistorischen Museum, Vienne"
-> Top of News of Academic Year 2002

Oct. 04, 2002

The project "Only white deep white - projection for art-Link" will be carried out
on October 4. and 5. at Tokyo National Museum
The first presentation has been done on September 27.-29.
at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music.
The reports on those presentations are available under the following Home Page.
The Home Page of the project "Only white deep white - projection for art-Link"
-> Top of News of Academic Year 2002

Sep. 28, 2002

The project "Only white deep white - projection for art-Link" started.
The project "Only white deep white - projection for art-Link" started on September 27.
In spite of a light rain, there were many observers for presentation of the first day.
The reports on those presentations are available under the following Home Page.
Session and Place:
Sep. 27.(Fr.)- 29.(Sun.), 2002
Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Ueno/Tokyo
Oct. 4.(Fr.)- 5.(Sat.), 2002
Tokyo National Museum, Ueno/Tokyo
Oct. 11.(Fr.)- 12(Sat.), 2002
Kan'ei-ji Temple, Yanaka/Tokyo
18:00 - 20:00 for every presentation
Needs to admission fee for entry of Tokyo National Museum.
Free for entry to Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music and Kan'ei-ji Temple
The Home Page of the project "Only white deep white - projection for art-Link"
The project "Only white deep white - projection for art-Link"
- Installation by projected images and sounds -
in relation with 'art-Link Ueno - Yanaka 2002'
-> Top of News of Academic Year 2002

Sep. 18, 2002

The Home Pages of the project "Only white deep white - projection for art-Link"
is available.
The project "Only white deep white - projection for art-Link" started on September 27.
In spite of a light rain, there were many observers for presentation of the first day.
The reports on those presentations are available under the following Home Page.
Session and Place:
Sep. 27.(Fr.)- 29.(Sun.), 2002
Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Ueno/Tokyo
Oct. 4.(Fr.)- 5.(Sat.), 2002
Tokyo National Museum, Ueno/Tokyo
Oct. 11.(Fr.)- 12(Sat.), 2002
Kan'ei-ji Temple, Yanaka/Tokyo
18:00 - 20:00 for every presentation
Needs to admission fee for entry of Tokyo National Museum.
Free for entry to Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music and Kan'ei-ji Temple
The Home Page of the project "Only white deep white - projection for art-Link"
The project "Only white deep white - projection for art-Link"
- Installation by projected images and sounds -
in relation with 'art-Link Ueno - Yanaka 2002'
-> Top of News of Academic Year 2002

Sep. 18, 2002

The Home Pages of the exhibition "TABI-TAN"- beyond the documentary -
A Voyage is a modest event caused by subconscious motion is available.
Session and Place:
Oct. 4. (Fr.) - October 20. (Su.), 2002
Closed on Oct. 7.(Mo.)and Oct.15.(Tu.)
At the Chinretsukan Gallery of The University Art Museum, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
Admission free
The Home Page of the Exhibition "Tabi-Tan"
-> Top of News of Academic Year 2002

Sep. 18, 2002

The Exhibitions "Afghanistan, a Timeless History" and "Sculptures of the Meiji Era
focusing on TAKENOUCHI Kyuichi and ISHIKAWA Mitsuaki" ended.
The Exhibitions "Afghanistan, a Timeless History"
and "Sculptures of the Meiji Era focusing on TAKENOUCHI Kyuichi and ISHIKAWA Mitsuaki"
ended on September 16.
There were about 74700 visitors during the term of "Afghanistan, a Timeless History"
and about 700 visitors during the term of "Sculptures of the Meiji Era focusing on TAKENOUCHI Kyuichi and ISHIKAWA Mitsuaki"
-> Top of News of Academic Year 2002

Aug. 16, 2002

The Exhibition "Sculptures of the Meiji Era focusing on
TAKENOUCHI Kyuichi and ISHIKAWA Mitsuaki" started
The Exhibition in Commemoration of the Restoration of GIGEITEN (Buddhist mythological being),
"Sculptures of the Meiji Era focusing on TAKENOUCHI Kyuichi and ISHIKAWA Mitsuaki" started on August 13.
The english Home Pages are available under the following URL now.
August 13. - September 16., 2002
The Home Page of "Sculptures of the Meiji Era focusing on TAKENOUCHI Kyuichi and ISHIKAWA Mitsuaki"
July 16. - September 16., 2002
The Exhibition "Afghanistan, a Timeless History"
-> Top of News of Academic Year 2002

Aug. 6, 2002

The Exhibition list of "Selected Works from the Geidai Collection
- Early Stages of the Tokyo Fine Arts School" ended.
The Exhibition list of "Selected Works from the Geidai Collection - Early Stages of the Tokyo Fine Arts School" ended on August 4.
There were about 6000 visitors during the term.
The Exhibition in Commemoration of the Restoration of GIGEITEN (Buddhist mythological being)
"Sculptures of the Meiji Era focusing on TAKENOUCHI Kyuichi and ISHIKAWA Mitsuaki" will start on August 13.
The resume of the exhibition is available in the following page. Details of the exhibition will come in a few days.
August 13. - September 16., 2002
The resume of "Sculptures of the Meiji Era focusing on TAKENOUCHI Kyuichi and ISHIKAWA Mitsuaki"
July 16. - September 16., 2002
The resume of the Exhibition "Afghanistan, a Timeless History"
-> Top of News of Academic Year 2002

July 15, 2002

The Exhibition "Afghanistan, a Timeless History" will start tomorrow.
The Exhibition "Afghanistan, a Timeless History" will start on July 16.
July 16. - September 16., 2002
The resume of the Exhibition "Afghanistan, a Timeless History"
Until August 4., 2002
The Home Page of "Selected Works from the Geidai Collection"
-> Top of News of Academic Year 2002

July 12, 2002

The Exhibition "Disegi di Azuma Kenjiro" ended.
The Exhibition "Disegi di Azuma Kenjiro" ended on July 12.
There were about 780 visitors during the exhibition term.
July 02 - 12, 2002
The Home Page of the Exhibition "Disegi di Azuma Kenjiro"
Department of Sculputre 03-5685-7578
Until August 4, 2002
The Home Page of "Selected Works from the Geidai Collection"

July 09, 2002

The list of exhibits of "Selected Works from the Geidai Collection
- Early Stages of the Tokyo Fine Arts School" is online
Exhibition list from June 25 to August 4 is available on the Home Page now.
The Home Page of "Selected Works from the Geidai Collection"
