仭What "Reading Oil Paintings" means仭

Session: August 7 - September 24, 2001
Place: The University Art Museum, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Main Building
Admission: Adults 700(600/500) yen, University and High School Students 300(200/200)
*() indicate (advance fee/group fee).
Gallery Talk:
(Every Th.at 14:00)
丒August 9,Prof. Shinsuke UTADA
丒August16, Prof. Shinsuke UTADA
丒August23, Eriko NAKAU, Michiko SAKUMA
(Postdoctor Students)
丒August 30, Otoyo YONEKURA(Teaching assistant),
Motomitsu MOMII (Postdoctor Student)
丒September 6, Prof. Ichiro SATO
丒September 13, Eriko NAKAU, Michiko SAKUMA
(Postdoctor Students)
丒September20, Prof. Kazumichi SAKAMOTO |
Since the latter half of the 20th century, optical instruments have been utilized
in the field of painting research. Our term "reading" paintings means to examine
paintings focusing on techniques or materials. The Oil Painting Techniques and
Materials Section and the Conservation and Restoration
Techniques Division of the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music have
continued to investigate scientifically into the collections of The University Art Museum,
Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music since 1986.
This exhibition will show the works of the important artists during the Meiji era along with
photographs that were taken in the process of research. See how the materials and techniques
reflect the change in the artists' awareness through the history of painting in Meiji period.
Furthermore, paintings by Yuichi Takahashi from Konpira Shrine,
including the recently discovered portrait, will be shown in this exhibition.
Organized by
Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music,
NHK and NHK Promotion
Initiated by
Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music,
Techniques and Materials Section, and the Conservation and Restoration Techniques Division
of the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
With the support by
The Agency for Cultural Affairs
With the sponsorship of
NTT Hello Dial丂03-3272-8600 |